This grammatical pattern includes the main noun phrase ( NP1) and a descriptor or adjective that describes NP1, linked through the use of the ‘be’ verb ( e.g. is ). This lesson uses adjectives of size. When students have established the NP1 + V + Adjective/ color, introducing the adjectives of size may be a smooth transition. As new adjectives are introduced, check students’ understanding of the intended meaning (e.g. grateful, thoughtless, kind)
Teacher actions are highlighted
Review the adjective and nouns that will appear in this step.
Show two pictures/objects, a big dog, and the other of a little dog.
Discuss the pictures/objects using the adjectives big and little.
Tell the students that you will write an English sentence about the picture.
Write: The dog is big.
Students say/sign the sentence with you.
Show the second picture and write the sentence on the board: The dog is little.
Students say/sign the picture with you.
Follow the same steps using different pictures of objects of different sizes )e.g. shoes, clothes, chairs, eating utensils)
Advancing the Strategy
Teacher actions are highlighted in yellow
Show two pictures or objects, e.g. a big house and a little house.
Students say/sign a sentence about the picture. Provide clues to construct the sentence successfully.
Have students write the sentence or select sentence-phrase strips….The house/ is/ big.
Use additional sets of pictures or objects …a big tree/a little tree; a big chair/a little chair.
Show two pictures or objects…a big book/a little book.
Show the first object.
Students write a sentence or build a sentence.
When finished, students check their sentences with the model sentences on the board and make any necessary corrections.
Repeat with more pairs of pictures/objects.
Give each student three sets of pictures/objects depicting big and little.
Students write sentences under each picture/object.
Include the new structure in language experience stories.