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Guess What I Have?​
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  • Identify features that describe an object

  • Assimilate information to identify an object

  • Analyze an object to determine its identifying features

  1. Put 5 to 10 objects on the table.

  2. Student and teacher discuss/describe each object.

  3. Cover the objects.

  4. Put one of the objects in a bag and describe it.

  5. Students identify the object.

  6. Put another object in a large, colorful bag and describe it to the class.

    • I have something in my bag.

    • It is soft.

    • It is black.

    • It has four legs and a long tail.

    • It has whiskers.

    • It says, "Meow."

    • What is it?

  7. Students identify the object.

  8. One student takes role of teacher and selects an object for the bag.

  9. Student describes the object (with assistance from the teacher, if necessary) and the other students identify it.

Variations: After reading a story, say:  “I am thinking of someone in the story who…” Describe a character, have the students identify who it is. Have a student describe a character to identify.

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This website was developed by the avenuePM team pursuant to Cooperative Agreement CFDA H327S170012 with the Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education, Terry Jackson, Project Officer. The opinions expressed and materials contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the United States Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.


© Designed and developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota and Penn State University.(v.3.6.5)

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