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Decision Making
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  • Investigate age-appropriate social or global problems

  • Determine/formulate appropriate and positive solutions to the problem

  • Practice in social communication, perspective-taking, negotiating, decision-making skills

  1. Write a “What if…” question on a card stating an issue relevant to the students.

    • For example, What if someone at school offered you drugs?

    • Later the students can write their own “What if…” questions about issues they want to discuss.

  2. Students write their responses anonymously on a card and put them in a box.

    • Pull a response out of the box, read it, and have the students discuss their thoughts regarding the response. 

    • Continue in the same manner for all of the responses.

Anchor 1
Advancing the Strategy

Variation: List all of the student responses on a paper and give to each student. Students select the responses that they think are the best and explain why.

Anchor 2
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