Use procedures listed in NP1 + V + NP2 + prepositional phrase (indirect object). This pattern changes the prepositional phrase to a NP, changing the sequence of the phrases. Tell the students that sometimes the patterns are changed to make the sentences or stories more interesting.
Write the sentence 'I gave a book to David.' on the board.
Tell the students that there is a different way to write the sentence.
Under the first sentence:
Write: I gave David a book. Discuss the differences in the sentences.
Tell the students that both sentences are correct. Using different forms makes reading and writing more interesting.
Advancing the Strategy
Prepare 3 to 6 additional sentences.
Draw a line through the first structure
Ask the students to give a sentence using the new form. For example:
Draw a line through the response 'Ruben gave a pencil to Francesca.'
Elicit the response 'Ruben gave Francesca a pencil.'
Put several sentences on strips of paper, each telling a student something to do, e.g. Give a book to Mei-Li.
Students select a sentence, read it and does what the sentence says.
Write the new sentence structure on the board e.g. Give Mei-Li a book.
Use the new structure in Language Experience stories.