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Adverbial (Prepositional) Phrases of Place (On)
Slash lv. 2 & 3
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Check the student’s comprehension of prepositional phrases (SLASH Level 2). Develop concepts prior to or as part of the development of prepositional phrases ( e.g. in, on, under, next to). Provide students multiple opportunities to use prepositions in daily activities.


Prepositional phrases generally respond to the questions:

  • time (When?),

  • place (Where?),

  • manner (How?),

  • frequency or duration (How far?, How long? How often?, How much?).


Teacher actions are highlighted in yellow

  • Point to a table in the room.

    • Ask: What it is called?

    • Say/sign/ fingerspell the word and have the student do the same.

    • Write the word on the board.

  • Pick up a plate ( or other object) and show it to the students.

  • Identify the object, sign, say, fingerspell the word.

  • Write the word on the board.

  • Put the plate on the table

    • Ask:  Where is the plate? 

    • Confirm: Yes, the plate is on the table. 

    • Write the phrase 'on the table' on the board. 

    • Tell the students that you will write an English sentence on the board that tells about the plate.

    • Write: The plate is on the table.

  • Say/sign/fingerspell the sentence with the students. Link the signs/speech/fingerspelling to the printed words.

  • Repeat the steps with other objects.

  • Tell the students they will learn about the little word 'on'. The word on tells where something is. It answers the question Where…?

  • Write the word on. Students sign/say/fingerspell the word.

Anchor 1
Advancing the Strategy
  • Show the students the bowl and ask them what it is.

  • Put the bowl on the table and ask: Where is the bowl? 

  • Write the phrase on the table on the board. 

  • Students sign/say/fingerspell the phrase. Link the signs/speech to the printed words.

  • Tell the children that you will write an English sentence about the bowl.

  • Write: The bowl is on the table.

  • Say/sign the sentence and then have the children say/sign/fingerspell the sentence. Link the signs/speech to the printed words.

  • Do the same steps with the other objects, e.g. glass, cup).

  • Put a chair and a box by the table.

  • Give each student a familiar object, e.g., plate, bowl, glass, cup, ball, doll. Tell them they will play a game.

    • Tell one child:  Put the (plate) on the table. 

    • After the child has performed the action, ask,“Where is the plate?”

    • Elicit the response on the table and write the phrase on the board. 

    • Have all of the children say/sign the phrase. Ask who can tell you the English sentence. Provide the support needed to get the response: The plate is on the table.

    • Write the sentence on the board. Have the children “read” (say/sign) the sentence.

    • Repeat the same steps with each child, sometimes them to put their objects on the table, on the chair, or on the box.

  • Whenever an opportunity arises during the day, use the new language structure, and hold the children responsible for understanding it and using it.

Anchor 2

Note: Click on the worksheet to download a copy.

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Anchor 3
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